Home » The Importance of Breaking The Norms Of Society And Being Different

The Importance of Breaking The Norms Of Society And Being Different

It is so easy to get caught up with the normal routines and predictable pace of life. Working standard 9-5 work days can be monotonous so we need to “break the norm”. Today during my commute I saw a 30-something black male wearing red and black “Tickle-me Elmo” lounge pants walking down the sidewalk and jaywalking across the street on a green light with barely a glance to see if there was any traffic. Not only being brave to wear such childish clothes but also stupid and ignorant of the law and his safety. I don’t condone that behaviour, but once in a while, it is OK to be different.

Here are some suggestions:

Pay it forward-  It is sad, but often during my commutes I see some misfortunate person begging for food or drink. Normally, I avert my eyes and keep walking. Instead of grabbing my usual coffee, I forfeited it and gave it to this struggling person on the street.  Last month, I saw someone wrestling for change in his pocket at Tim Hortons so just paid for their coffee. A simple gesture and act of kindness can go a long way.

Hug and compliment- Instead of nagging your loved one or spouse, stop yourself and give them an affectionate hug or positive remark. We are too quick to judge someone or express our negative emotions. Change your behaviour and reinforce positive feedback.

Say “Hello”-  Talk to a stranger when you lock eyes with him or her. There is no shame in smiling and engaging in conversation, and it will lift your spirits. Rather than being “glued” to your phone, have a conversation with a stranger. At work, when you normally walk by a co-worker and say ‘Hi” with a forced insincere smile, talk to them and have a meaningful conversation.

New experiences- Try something new and exciting to shake you from normal, dull routines… make new friends and connect with others. Have always wanted to try skydiving? Go to an evening gala or dance. Try that new Mexican restaurant down the road. Make a point of getting out of your comfort zone and trying something “off the beaten track”.

For me, life has its pitfalls and I can easily be a victim of monotonous routines. Mix up your routine…laugh out loud and enjoy life for there is always room for spontaneity. Try something different and focus on a positive outlook! The people may laugh or snicker at you for wearing unusual clothes. What do you think about adopting this positive outlook being different? Feel free to comment.

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