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Hey Cowboys, Lasso Me Up Some Coffee!

I reckon the Canadian Finals Rodeo (CFR) is in town, don’t ya know? Okay, not too hard to figure out in Edmonton unless you live in a cave. I saw four short stocky cowboys donning cowboy hats “wrestling” up some coffee at Starbucks this morning. The professional cowboys with their Professional Rodeo Association jackets gave it away! As I snatched my overpriced Gouda bacon sandwich to go, I scratched my head and I made a few deductions of this discovery.

“Girly drink”

Okay, now you are wondering if professional cowboys ordered some sugary, pumpkin latte with extra foam and whip. Or some “girly” Lady Gaga-inspired rainbow-coloured non-dairy drink? I can imagine the barista trying to keep a straight face whipping up this concoction. Do you call yourself a cowboy? Guess, their palette has evolved since the good ‘ol days. I picture “cowboy coffee” made around a campfire with nothing more than beans, water and a pot; it tastes terrible and bitter, but you suck up the coffee, dark as black silt, and drink it all in one gulp. Never mind, it is not much different than the dark, bitter, over-roasted swill that they serve at Starbucks!

Cowboys are tough as “nails”

I don’t know their full story, but one of the cowboys had a scar on his face and looked like he got banged up a bit. Not here to judge. Edmonton can be scary: perhaps, he got beat up in one of the dark alleys after a long night of drinking. Okay, the spot marks where the bull’s hoof landed on him as he lay on the ground after being bucked off by the animal. Seriously!

saddle bronc

While he was wrestling a 1200lb Bronco bull, I was trying not to burn myself on my Grande Americano coffee since I failed to put on a protective sleeve. Okay, they got me beat! Professional cowboys straddle on a different scale of bravery and courage: you won’t see me steer wresting, bronco busting, chuckwagon racing, roping calves or bareback riding shortly. My risk of injury involves a paper cut trying to open up a manila envelope. Pretty sad, right?

Rodeo is not my kind of fun

Like circuses and zoos, rodeos are the “sport” of exploiting animals for our sheer entertainment. Yes, it is a boon for our economy and celebrates our Western culture, agriculture and heritage. Do I enjoy and endorse the sport and entertainment? No, not really. Animal cruelty and spectacle just for the glory of man. Of course, they downplay the unpleasantness of the sport, and you can’t blame them!

CFR is in town!

The Canadian Rodeo finals are in town likely for the last time (44 years). Quite a legacy. The professional cowboys waiting in line at Starbucks reminded me of this fact. Sorry, I will pass on the sports spectacle. However, I do like the family-oriented atmosphere with the food, agriculture exposition and music festivities that surround it. If you are in Edmonton this week, check out the Canadian Rodeo Finals from Nov. 8-12th and perhaps you will run into some “real” cowboys.

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