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Navigating the Job Search Rollercoaster: Staying Positive in Alberta’s Changing Climate

As the skies open up and infrequent rainfall graces Alberta’s arid landscape, we witness both its beauty and its challenges. The rain brings with it pitfalls — roaming power outages, gusty winds, and traffic snarls—but it’s a welcome sight nonetheless. For job seekers, the journey can feel like a rollercoaster ride. Rejections and silence dampen our spirits, much like the gray clouds that finally release their long-awaited showers. But just as the yellow-brown grass turns to lush and vibrant green, job seekers must cultivate consistency, patience, and persistence.

Job leads

Just like raindrops nourish the parched earth, job leads are the lifeblood of a successful job search. Imagine each job lead as a raindrop falling onto the cracked soil. Some leads are light drizzles, while others are heavy downpours. In a dry climate, prolonged droughts can lead to hardship. Similarly, a lack of job leads creates a professional drought for job seekers. Stick to your guns and keep tracks of your prospects. You never the person you contact will lead you to a potential job opportunity!

Network with purpose

Networking is the gentle drizzle that nurtures your job search. Like cloud formation and accumulation of moisture, job search will gain traction and momentum, but it takes time. Keep planting seeds (networking) with a clear purpose and goal. Digital networking such as LinkedIn is convenient, but don’t underestimate the power of in-person interactions. Arrange coffee meetings, lunches, or attend industry-specific events. Engage with professionals face-to-face to build genuine connections. Remember, networking isn’t just about meeting new people — it’s about creating meaningful relationships. Networking isn’t a one-way street. Consider how you can contribute to your network. Offer assistance, share knowledge, and be genuinely interested in others’ success.

Market yourself with a targeted resume

With a targeted, well-crafted resume and cover letter, you have the power to alter the precipitation pattern and create a cloud burst of opportunities. Resumes is a way to market yourself to a potential employer — your value (selling points), your “STAR” stories, work history, soft and hard skills that make you stand out from the rest of the crowd. Be consistent and patient in a strong message (brand) that you want to convey. Your resume and cover letter create your personal weather forecast. They predict sunny days of opportunity or stormy challenges. Which one do you prefer?

Interview Preparation

Through persistence and hard work, you will eventually get the rare rainfall event in the form of an interview. Landing a great interview involves a combination of preparation, confidence, and effective strategies. Prepare ahead by researching the company thoroughly understanding their mission, values, products/services, and recent news. Practice common interview questions, conduct mock interviews and dress professionally during the interview. Interviews are two-sided assessments having a mutual casual conversation. So believe in yourself, be understandable and likeable. (BUL is the acronym). By practising and attending multiple interviews, you increase your chances of landing a great job or career.

During the interview

Enjoy the downpour of rain that spurs growth and confidence during the interview process, but remember these key points. Dress professionally and arrive early for the interview. I have been late for an interview once, it did not go well. Sometimes the accountability falls on the recruiter who partners with you to help you get the job, so don’t “shoot yourself in the foot.” First impressions do count including a firm handshake and good eye contact. Listen actively and answer questions concisely. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) for behavioral questions.

It’s a wrap!

I try to follow up in a couple days to express my thanks for their time and reiterate your interest in the position. Depending upon on the company policy and how many applicants, you may not get a response. Don’t get discouraged if it takes time for them to get back to you. Reflect on the interview. What went well? What could be improved? If you don’t get the job, seek feedback if possible and learn from the experience.

Stay optimistic and exercise self-care

Let’s face it, maintaining a healthy positive mindset is challenging, but remember you are not alone in this journey. Set realistic measurable goals to give you direction and focus. I like to celebrate small victories along the way — each application submitted or interview secured is progress toward your ultimate goal. Stay connected with others since isolation can lead to discouragement and depression. This emotional rollercoaster can be draining so you need to practise self-care and take breaks to recharge. Instead of dwelling on rejection or being “ghosted”, view it as an opportunity to learn and seek feedback. Use positive affirmations and mental visulization exercises to help you succeed in your job search.

This song comes to mind when I was going through troubled times:

Gray skies are gonna clear up,
Put on a happy face;
Brush off the clouds and cheer up,
Put on a happy face.
— Put On A Happy Face (Tony Bennett)

The song encourages us to embrace optimism and find joy even when faced with difficulties. Keep pushing forward, stay resilient, and I believe that the right opportunity is out there waiting for you. Remember, just as the rain transforms the landscape, your consistent efforts will eventually yield results. Stay positive, keep your umbrella handy, and know that the sun will shine again.

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