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Be Realistic About Your New Years Resolutions

Did you fall into the trap of setting unrealistic New Year resolutions? Too much pressure from society and your colleagues to make self-improvements. It doesn’t help that we are bombarded by retail advertisements to lose weight, quit smoking and join the gym. I know the beginning of the year is slow for retailers, but leave me alone! Whatever you set as a goal or resolution, break it down and start with baby steps. Some key points to get you motivated and help you obtain your goal:

Need a support system

Most resolutions fail by the end of February. Sad, but it’s true. Change doesn’t happen overnight especially if you want to quit smoking or attend the gym regularly. Perseverance and discipline are needed before that activity becomes habit-forming. Join others for support in your effort and start one day at a time. It is easier to obtain the goal when you have colleagues, family or friends helping and encouraging you along the way. They will be accountable for you and motivate you to reach your goal.

Write them down

Many people including entrepreneurs use a vision board or daily journal for setting goals. You should do the same. Write them down and commit to them regularly. Set daily, monthly and long-term goals that you want to reach. I write entries in my phone calendar along with my journal to remind me. Talk is cheap so it is important to follow through with your actions. Writing it down and posting the goal as smaller tasks will help you achieve your objective.

Modest goal and baby steps

I have four areas where I need to improve in my life: become a better parent, secure a good job, get more exercise and establish a good mental mindset. Will it happen overnight? No. However, if you break it down into smaller pieces or baby steps, it is more manageable. Perhaps, you want to become physically fit and healthy or reach a certain weight. Start slowly with the regiment of walking or heading to the company gym once a week. If you have little experience, perhaps hiring a personal trainer might be wise. Once you are on the right track, set more lofty goals. You know your body and your mindset better than anyone else. The key is don’t push yourself too hard and know your limits.

Re-evaluate and adjust your expectations

After 2 months, you may want to review your progress. Maybe there is a financial or mental barrier that is hindering you. Perhaps, you underestimated the difficulty of the task so you need to adjust it. You should not feel ashamed or guilty if it doesn’t pan out. The important thing is you keep a progress report and make changes if necessary to stay on track. Easy to become discouraged if you don’t reach your goal. The fruit of your labour will pay off in the long term so don’t give up!

The New Year is a good excuse to jump on the bandwagon to make changes in your life. Don’t get pressured by what society dictates. Remember fulfilling resolutions and goals takes time. Good luck!

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