Home » Donald Trump… Love Him Or Hate Him?

Donald Trump… Love Him Or Hate Him?

No other president has stirred up so much controversy, unrest and hatred as Donald Trump. Like many Canadians, I am perplexed and dismayed with some of his controversial decisions and proposals. Kind of like a “train wreck”: hard to turn away from the mess spewing from the White House. Part of the problem is his rash comments on social and traditional media with little thought of the consequences. I recall the mass immigration of U.S. Citizens and the influx of people coming to Canada after he won the election. The number of protests around the country denouncing his presidency was astounding! He built a wall bordering Mexico, singled out minorities ie. women and his immigration policy, and travel bans, backing out of the Paris climate change agreement.


Back in March, Trump accused his previous president Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower before the 2016 presidential election. Yet no evidence was found.

Witch hunt

Trump associates and Russians who sought to influence the election by hacking Democrats. Seriously?

Comey tapes

Trump abruptly fired the FBI director, Trump suggested on Twitter he secretly recorded his conversations with James Comey. Hmmm…no tapes have been released.

Bad, distasteful remarks aimed at news media

I could go on about his controversial tweets: body-slamming CNN which encourages violence. His distaste for fake news and the news media in general is apparent. No holds barred when it comes to Donald Trump. Remember his tweet about calling major news organizations the “Enemy of the American people”?

Transgender ban in military

The difference between Trudeau and Donald Trump is apparent especially after the U.S. president tweeted his intention to bar transgender individuals from serving in the military. The Canadian military took a mild stab at his premature, misguided statement with little success. In Canada, we are more open-minded about hiring military recruits and this form of discrimination would not be tolerated. Just have to look at our gay pride parades where even mayors, and police officers (not donning uniforms) participate in them freely.

Encouraging police brutality?

Trump tells police officers “Don’t be too nice” when arresting gang members. Even the police officers don’t think that remark was appropriate. Whatever happened to fair treatment of alleged criminals (civil rights) and justice being served?

Comparisons to Justin Trudeau

They shouldn’t take Justin Trudeau’s appearance on Rolling Stone too seriously. Unpatriotic? Give me a break. Trudeau is painted as a “pretty boy” and darling of the social media world. Yes, paying out an alleged U.S. terrorist hit a sore spot and even Canadians are not exactly pleased. He is not perfect either, but I wouldn’t call him “horrible” like Fox News did…Yes, I don’t think his defence of the payout (Ottawa’s $10.5-million settlement to Omar Khadr) was justified. Even terrorists have civil rights and liberties due to mistreatment in prison. Hard to take magazines and news outlets like Rolling Stone, Fox News, and USA Today seriously. Bunch of “fluff” and candy-coated swath to sell more papers or increase their audience share.

Trump comes across as an arrogant, pompous showman who skews the facts and steals the social media limelight. This is where his role as a businessman and outspoken politician becomes blurred. America is still living in desperate times and maybe they need someone to shake up our society and make it great again?  Some struggling low-income class love him in some U.S. states where he is Pro-pipeline and wants to keep jobs in the U.S. However, I believe the majority of Americans are embarrassed by his leadership and the missteps he has taken. NAFTA is in jeopardy and wouldn’t be surprised if they build a wall along the Mexican border. Until the last card is played with Trump, I’m sure there will be more things up his sleeve.

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