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Working A Typical 9-5 Job Is No Longer Norm

The notion of working a typical 9-5 job for an employer has lost its appeal. Unless you are passionate, motivated and thrive in your current position, it is hard to break this chain. Lots of different ways to make an income besides being a corporate office drone. The guarantee of a secure position and income depends on the success of the company and the health of the industry. I walk this slippery slope every day in the declining newspaper publishing business. Here are some key points when choosing a meaningful job or switching careers in today’s competitive job market.

Make passive income with a side business

Not talking about being a clown for a kid’s birthday party. But if you love kids, why not explore something that you love? Explore a volunteer opportunity to get your feet wet or take a co-op intern position with a respectable company. Get passive income from vending machines, do some freelance copywriting or manage an investment property. Might seem like a time-waster, but this might lead to a great full-time gig or give you an idea for a start-up. Working on a part-time side business may open doors for you. A passive or part-time income can supplement your primary income. The extra pay can go towards entertainment or grocery expenses for that week.

Entrepreneur— start your own business

A side business is nice, but maybe want to do it full-time? You need to find something you are a passionate about and it helps to have a keen interest in that field. Working tiring long hours won’t seem like an impossible task when you have the passion and desire. My seed is sown for being an entrepreneur: web and graphic design, I.T. consulting and online marketing. Am I there yet? NO. It takes time, money and perseverance for a business to succeed. ….and don’t expect to rake in lots of money. Doing a full-time gig is risky so I recommend you have a backup plan or a fall-back. It is rewarding, but don’t forget you can’t count on anyone, but yourself! No accounting, advertising, or sales department to use as a crutch until you become established. So keep that in mind.

Cost of Higher Education

I fell into this life trap: having a good education foundation is important, but it doesn’t mean college and university are for everyone.  You may get stuck in a course or program that you despise so pick wisely. Unless you learn to save early in life and make good financial decisions, you may sink deep into debt. Don’t get pressured by parents or peers either! Young adults are motivated and driven to become doctors, lawyers and engineers, but at what cost? Not everyone is fortunate to get a paid scholarship or government grant. The post-secondary institutions are strapped for cash and underfunded which means students will be footing most of the bills. After several years of hard work, you receive your accreditation in the form of an engraved signed certificate. But guess what? The little piece of paper is no guarantee of a secure, high-paying job when you enter the workforce.

Find the job that fits your life

I suggest you pick a profession that you love and follow your dreams. Sometimes a company will endorse a certain program or seek apprentices from a particular college or university. Great way to get your foot in the door, but it should not be the only factor. Being a veterinarian may not be the best fit if you suffer from pet allergies and you don’t like animals. Some jobs require long hours or shift work outside the norm: this will take a toll on your family and love life. Companies that strive for a good work and life balance are a sure bet. Other people may despise standard 9-5 office jobs or being a corporate drone; they are boring and just too safe, but they usually offer a steady paycheck with company benefits and other perks. Whatever you choose, inevitably will affect your happiness so you NEED to choose carefully.

Learn new skills and teach yourself

Why rely on a dated under-funded public education system that caters to the masses? The course and program curriculum may be several years old. With evolving technology, you need to be proactive and seek new skills that fit your particular position. Many graduates and job seekers may lack job-seeking skills so now’s the time to brush up on them. Not every job has a blue-print or job description that perfectly fits. You’re likely to experience a variety of roles and environments during your working life so you need to be flexible and versatile. Look at pursuing new skills with the wealth of free tutorials and courses online. You can teach yourself with the help of library resources or even watch a YouTube video. It pays to do your homework and research new skills that will make you more marketable. This may set you apart from other applicants.

Word of mouth and networking

The probability of hand-picking your resume and cover letter from a growing pool of applicants is slim. Hard to distinguish you from the cookie-cutter applicants who are in the “same boat.” Market your skills and experience online through various social networking sites. Linked-in, Facebook, Twitter and Indeed are some of the popular ones. Not every job is advertised in the newspaper or trade magazine so it pays to be more thorough in your job-seeking efforts. Growing a network of followers and contacts is the answer. 3rd party recruiting firms are constantly scouring for applicants on the web. Building a good online job profile is important and may secure you a job! Don’t burn your bridges either. You never know when someone is hiring and you may be the one they are looking for.

Proper mindset and positive attitude

Getting terminated or laid off from your current job sucks. It is easy to fall victim and get depressed with this unlikely turn of events. Usually, there are warning signs: falling revenue, cutbacks and low morale within the company are some clues. Perhaps a 9-5 job working for an employer is not for you? Rather than being limited to the company’s bureaucratic policies and pay scale, start your own business. This requires a shift in attitude and mindset. Be positive. Not easy, but it will allow you to be in control of your destiny and allow you to pursue your dreams. Investing in a new business venture can be rewarding, but it takes discipline, passion and willingness to accept failure at times. It will also potentially give you more financial freedom and flexibility to do what YOU want.

The New Year is around the corner so what better time to revisit your current job situation? Unless you are comfortable with your corporate office job, it is worth exploring other options— learning new skills, getting a side gig or becoming an entrepreneur. Good luck with your job quest.

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